Season's Greetings!
The Economic Crisis:      A Dog's Perspective
About Those Hounds...
Our Hounds
Adopting a Friend
Adoption Application
Rescue of the Month
Special Rescues
The Bagel Shoppe
The Old Age Page
Black Listed Beauties
Getting Involved - Volunteering
The Ugly Truth
Success Stories
The Homewoods Herald
Muchas Gracias
Pryor's Planet
Ritchie Co. Humane Society
Humane Society of North Central West Virginia
Whimsical Animal Rescue

If you would like to make a donation, big or small, please read on for instructions on how to do so. All donations will be gratefully acknowledged on our web site, unless donors ask to remain anonymous.
We are set up to receive donations through PayPal and there is a link on the navigation bar on the left. If you prefer snail mail, please email Marth for our regular mailing address.
Wanna help us big time? Please send us your Purina Weight Circles!
Homewoods Rescue needs you to clip weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dog foods. You may use Purina brands or perhaps your neighbor does. Please send them to us so that we can earn Purina Points. These points can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, including rebate checks good toward future purchases of Purina brand dog foods, Purina logo apparel and merchandise, checks for veterinary services and gift certificates for retail rescue needs.

Many thanks to Scott, Tammy and JOSIE (AKA Wannabea)
for the plethera of hound goodies! We can't thank you enough!
So as you can probably imagine, we are also always in need of supplies! This is just a short list of what we run out of all too fast at Homewoods Rescue!
- Dog food -- broken bags and dented cans are fine!!
- Dog & Puppy Shampoo
- Collars and leashes (Used? We'll take 'em!)
- Flea & Tick prevention (Advantage & Frontline are awesome!)
- Metal water buckets
- Metal food bowls
- Crates/Kennels
- Kong & other toys
- Dog beds
- Biscuits & Treats
- Blankets
- Ear wash
- Towels
- DAWN Dish detergent
- Laundry detergent
- Paper towels
- Plastic tarps
- Bungie cords
- Bleach
- Gas cards and phone cards
- Gift certificates always welcome -- WalMart, PetSmart, etc. especially useful
- Relayers, overnighters and foster homes - ask us!! We'd be glad to send you info/registration forms!
- We also need for adopters and helpful folks to spread the good word about Homewoods Rescue!
We count on Revival Animal Health for many of our supply needs. If you'd be interested in placing an order on our behalf, we'd be incredibly grateful! Click the link below to visit their website.

We've also just created a wishlist on Amazon.com to save you the trouble of hunting for what we need! You can reach the list by clicking on the link below.