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The Economic Crisis:      A Dog's Perspective
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Ritchie Co. Humane Society
Humane Society of North Central West Virginia
Whimsical Animal Rescue

When Hurricane Katrina hit, you showed your love for animals by sending generous contributions so we could rescue the dogs tragically abandoned as a result of the emergency conditions.
Now another emergency has hit - far less visible but in some ways, far more insidious because it is so widespread. The New York Times detailed this in a recent article entitled "Homeless Pets Crowd Shelters as Families Hit Hard Times." It noted that as families face foreclosures or economic distress, they frequently have to abandon their pets. Local shelters are seeing more and more pets dropped off with a resulting increase in euthanizations.
In addition, many other families and pets have been forced from their homes because of recent natural disasters. Fires and floods have created critical problems for people needing not only new housing for themselves, but also for their pets.
Every week we take in dogs from kill shelters from various parts of the country - many of which are hit hard by the economic down-turn.
These homeless dogs facing almost certain death - can't distinguish between hurricanes, fires, floods or foreclosures. For them, the pain of losing a loving family is the same regardless of the reason. They need our help!
Please, won't you help us rescue and find homes for dogs tragically abandoned by this latest economic emergency? Anything you can contribute will help us make room for more rescued animals.
Thank you!