Season's Greetings!
The Economic Crisis:      A Dog's Perspective
About Those Hounds...
Our Hounds
Adopting a Friend
Adoption Application
Rescue of the Month
Special Rescues
The Bagel Shoppe
The Old Age Page
Black Listed Beauties
Getting Involved - Volunteering
The Ugly Truth
Success Stories
The Homewoods Herald
Muchas Gracias
Pryor's Planet
Ritchie Co. Humane Society
Humane Society of North Central West Virginia
Whimsical Animal Rescue

Thank you so much for considering a rescue hound . Every rescue thinks their pups are great. We do to! :o) Here's what to do:
Go to the Adoption Application page and cut and paste the app into an email or you can print and mail to Homewoods Rescue for the Wayward Hound, 21160 Bivalve Lodge Rd., Bivalve, MD 21814. Once reviewed and approved we can narrow the selection down - or perhaps you have a specific hound or pup in mind. We are an all-volunteer organization with limited time to respond to requests for information. Priority must be given to serious requests, defined as inquiries that accompany a completed non-binding application. It is very hard to catch up with us by phone. This is a private rescue and we are outstraight almost always :o(! Please put the words "Adoption Application" and the name of the hound you are interested in the subject line and complete all information requested. We are told that this adoption form is tediously long, but please bear with us. We strive to insure that we will find the perfect match and a loving forever home for our hounds. Please note also that we do adopt out of state and can sometimes assist with transportation if necessary. We have regular relays and also adoptors that drive to HOMEWOODS for pickup.
HOMEWOODS will notify you that your application has been received. We may schedule a home visit with you. All approved applications are kept on file until a hound is placed with the applicant. (We ask that anyone who applies to adopt a hound and subsequently acquires another dog, to notify us so that we can remove them from our files).
When a rescued hound is ready for adoption (medical care and/or rehabilitation completed), each approved application is reviewed to see which most closely matches the needs of the hound. HOMEWOODS then contacts the applicant selected and arranges an interview between the hound and it's prospective new family. This can be done at the time of pick-up as well.
After careful consideration, the best hound for that particular family is mutually chosen. The new family signs the adoption contract. Each hound's individual adoption fee is noted in its write-up on PetFinder. This fee, which helps cover program expenses, food, veterinary care, etc., is required at the time of adoption.
The hound and its new family then go home to begin anew! :o)
HOMEWOODS makes routine follow-up calls to assure the re-homing of the hound is successful. We also offer support for any concerns that may arise. Further information is contained within the adoption application itself.
Remember, persistence is key. You may have to "hound" us! :o)
And don't forget! Adopters of rescue dogs can avail themselves of Shelter Care - an insurance program offered through Petfinder, which provides coverage for your new pet for the first 2 months free of charge as a service to adopters of rescue animals. NOTE - be sure to sign up for this coverage at least 2 DAYS prior to when your new dog's veterinary care is scheduled!